Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reaction to Tiger Woods reparation

REACTION to Tiger Woods" open reparation was mixed, but at slightest he could equate on his mother. "As a human being everyone has faults, creates mistakes and sins. We all do. But, we move on when we have a inapplicable designation and sense from it," pronounced Kultida Wood. "He will come out stronger, a improved person."Sir Nick Faldo watched Tiger Woods unclothed his soulADVERTISEMENT yesterday and said: "Its flattering formidable to mount up in front of the universe and do that."The six-time vital leader and former European Ryder Cup captain, who has seen his own personal problems turn open believe during his career, described Woods" matter as "a flattering expanded apology".Faldo will right away wait for similar to everyone else to see how prolonged the universe series one is out of action. He said: "Thats still up in the air, but his total universe has been golf and if he does not get behind to it you pretence he does not have a world." Faldo added: "Its bigger than any particular whos ever played and the flattering sparkling right now."Faldo additionally settled that he found it "quite amazing" that Woods chose the center of a big contest to have his announcement.The settled reason was that the golfer is going behind in to therapy, but Faldo said: "I dont buy that one."However, the perspective from the Main Street America was mixed: "When Tiger came on, everyone was seeking at the TV screens," pronounced Peter Adams, a stock merchant from Chicago Mercantile Exchange. "They were derisive him. Only abounding guys go to care for sex addiction, everyone else gets strike in the head with a frying pan."Notah Begay, a PGA golfer and crony of Tiger Woods, said: "Its difficult to get any man in America only to go to matrimony counselling, let alone go in to a 45-day rehabilitation. Plus hes going behind tomorrow, and that tells me that hes perplexing to sense about the issues."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Haiti assist bid injured by delayed U.N. reply

Tom Brown PORT-AU-PRINCE Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:13pm EST Related News Haiti preserve puncture as sleet turns camps to mudThu, Feb eighteen 2010U.N. assist arch chides agencies on Haiti reliefThu, Feb eighteen 2010Sarkozy visits Haiti, unveils vital assist packageWed, Feb seventeen 2010Tarps, toilets are priorities for quake-hit Haiti: U.N.Mon, Feb fifteen 2010One month after quake, Haitians stick on to weep deadFri, Feb twelve 2010 < 1 / 7 > People travel at a temporary tent stay in Cite Soleil in Port-au-Prince Feb 26, 2010. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - Clutching involuntary attack rifles, truckloads of U.N. infantry patrolled the streets of Haiti"s cracked collateral on the day after the trembler strike last month, clearly preoccupied to the wretchedness around them.

World&&&&Natural Disasters

Cries for assistance from people digging for survivors in collapsed buildings were drowned out by the bark of heavy-duty engines as the infantry plowed by Port-au-Prince but interlude to stick on rescue efforts, majority less lead them.

A usual steer since they were deployed in 2004, the U.N. infantry huddled in the shade of their canopied vehicles.

There were about 9,000 uniformed U.N. peacekeepers stationed in Haiti when the upheaval struck on Jan twelve and they were the judicious "first responders" to the mess in the bankrupt Caribbean country, whose notoriously diseased executive supervision was impressed by the scale of the tragedy.

Initially, however, nothing of the peacekeepers appeared to be concerned in hands-on charitable service in what puncture healing experts report as the vicious initial 72 hours after a harmful trembler strikes.

Their reply to the abominable pang was singular to you do security and seeking for looters after the bulk 7.0 upheaval intended majority of the collateral and took what Haitian President Rene Preval says could be as majority as 300,000 lives.

There was looting in the capital, but it paled in some-more aged with the astringency of the charitable crisis.

Horribly-injured patients flooded overstretched hospitals, forcing healing staff to confirm that patients to yield and that were already as well far left to try saving.

"Doctors played God," pronounced Tyler Marshall, a maestro former Los Angeles Times match operative with an general assist organisation that helped out in a tent city erected at the tallness of the destruction on the drift of Port-au-Prince"s University Hospital, the country"s largest.

Scores of U.N. crew died in the quake, together with Hedi Annabi, head of the U.N. mission that was set up in 2004. That helps insist what majority have criticized as a glacially delayed kickoff of service operations after one of history"s misfortune healthy disasters.

But in the days and weeks that followed it mostly seemed that lessons from alternative disasters were abandoned in Haiti as fears of rioting or anarchy overshadowed concerns about removing assist out quickly.

The U.N."s tip charitable assist official, John Holmes, is between those who have chided service agencies, together with the United Nations itself, for you do as well small to assistance Haiti.

"We cannot ... wait for for for the subsequent puncture for these lessons to be learned," Holmes wrote in a trusted email initial published on the website of the biography Foreign Policy.

"There is an obligatory need to progress significantly genius on the ground, to urge coordination, vital formulation and sustenance of aid," pronounced Holmes.

Edmond Mulet, behaving head of the U.N. mission, concurred in an talk that it played a singular charitable purpose in the initial couple of days after the trembler since the operations were effectively decapitated.

"At the unequivocally commencement it was unequivocally formidable since all the domicile was utterly broken and all the care of the mission was killed," Mulet told Reuters.


Mulet gained prominence for wielding an iron fist during a prior army as head of the U.N. mission when he led mostly Brazilian "blue helmet" infantry in a successful crackdown on Haiti"s heavily armed gangs.

And he has finished no tip about sophistry the competing needs of service operations with law enforcement, in his bid to lane down the some-more than 3,000 inmates who took value of the trembler to shun from the main prison.

"We are here additionally to yield security," he pronounced when asked about the mess of convoys of rifle-wielding U.N. infantry to poke for people trapped in the rubble of the busted capital.

"I still have to patrol, I still have to go after all these criminals and bandits that transient from the inhabitant penitentiary, the squad leaders, the criminals, the killers, the kidnappers. I cannot unequivocally confuse myself from you do that."

The service mission shifted in to higher rigging after U.S. infantry deployed in large numbers and set up a supply sequence to get food and disinfectant in to areas great out for aid.

But there were still majority bottlenecks and setbacks, mostly involving U.N.-linked food distributions hobbled by unsound organization, reserve and throng control.

Unfortunately, U.N. infantry in Haiti have over the years gained a repute for toughness and abuse some-more than for easing pang in the lowest nation in the Americas.

"The usually time I"ve seen one of these U.N. infantry burst out of the behind of a lorry was to kick up on somebody or take a shot at them," pronounced a piece of the U.S. Army"s 82nd Airborne Division, as he worked security during a new assist handout.

"These guys have since all of us in unvaried a bad repute here," he said, asking not to be identified.

Haiti"s wrecked infrastructure and bad ride links finished it formidable to get assist out and keep it flowing, but that frequency finished the incident opposite from that in alternative new disasters around the globe.


"The lowest and the majority exposed people lend towards to live in the regions that are strike the majority by healthy disasters," pronounced Solomon Kuah, an puncture healing medicine formed in New York who outlayed 4 weeks in Port-au-Prince after the quake.

There are no arguable estimates for the series of survivors who died from injuries due to unsound healing supplies.

But Henriette Chamouillet, the World Health Organization"s deputy in Haiti, pronounced all from staff shortages to bureaucracy and a miss of make-up lists embroiled the smoothness of containers full of medicines from Port-au-Prince"s airfield to doctors on the ground.

Port-au-Prince sits usually 700 miles off the seashore of Miami, that is home to a large Haitian-American community, and it seemed ludicrous that so couple of the U.S. infantry rushed there spoke French or were accompanied by translators.

One retaining picture of pell-mell food distributions came when U.S. helicopters offloaded boxes of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) at a site in the capital. Many Haitians non-stop them up usually to toss them afar in offend since no French or Creole-language instructions were enclosed with the assumingly invalid packets of dust, explaining that they indispensable to be churned with H2O as piece of their preparation.

Rajiv Shah, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development, has touted the Haiti service mission as "the largest and majority successful general poke and rescue bid ever fabricated in history."

But some-more than 6 weeks after the upheaval hit, the mission is still mostly in an puncture reply mode. The U.N."s World Food Program is tying the food rations to 55-pound (25 kg) bags of rice and the Haitian supervision estimates that a million upheaval survivors are still vital in the streets in temporary encampments with no using H2O or toilets.

Doctors are roughly finished traffic with dire injuries but reconstruction for a little 40,000 amputees and rebuilding Haiti"s health infrastructure are between long-term challenges.

"This is unequivocally a mess of Biblical proportions," pronounced Lewis Lucke, who was the USAID executive in Iraq prior to entrance to Haiti as U.S. ambassador.

U.N. and alternative officials have pronounced the tellurian reply to Haiti"s upheaval was quicker and some-more in effect than in alternative new disasters, together with the Asian tsunami that killed 226,000 people in thirteen countries in Dec 2004.

But experts contend the United Nations has a lot to sense from smaller, some-more nimble healing groups similar to International Medical Corps, or IMC, and Paris-based Medicins Sans Frontieres, along with charities some-more experienced in distributing aid, such as CARE and Catholic Relief Services.

Kuah, who concurrent service efforts for IMC, a California-based organisation that had rarely learned doctors treating patients in Haiti twenty-three hours after the trembler struck, stressed the "need for speed" when it comes to saving lives.

"When you ask yourself if there were ways you could have prevented some-more mortalities or discontinued additional mortality, with earthquakes, in particular, it"s some-more timing than anything else," pronounced Kuah.

(Additional stating by Catherine Bremer, Jackie Frank, Patricia Zengerle, Mica Rosenberg and Andrew Cawthorne; Editing by Kieran Murray)

World Natural Disasters lampshade for acne to phone help this mulls

Friday, August 27, 2010

FSA seeks extradition of eighth think in Project Saturn case

Helen Power and Alex Spence & ,}

The Financial Services Authority is relocating to extradite an eighth think in the exploration in to an insider trade ring led by City printers.

The regulator charged 7 men on Wednesday after a two-year investigation, Operation Saturn, in to purported insider traffic by staff in the imitation bedrooms of dual investment banks, JPMorgan Cazenove and UBS. The FSA believes that the purported insider traffic delivered the ring 2.5 million in ill-gotten gains. It released an detain aver for the eighth man yesterday.

The 7 charged men embody Ali Mustafa, a former youth worker of UBS, Paresh Shah, who worked for Elite Financial Services, a subcontractor to JPMorgan, and Mitesh Shah, a former worker of the spread-betting commercial operation City Index.

The alternative 4 charged were Bijal Shah, Pardip Saini, Truptesh Patel and Neten Shah. Neten Shah denies any wrongdoing. The others were taken for comment.

Related LinksFSA needs to secure convictionsFSA regulator takes target at the City

The Serious Fraud Office increasing the self-assurance rate in cases involving formidable monetary crime to 91 per cent last year. The series of defendants convicted in prosecutions brought by the SFO rose from 78 per cent in 2008-09, the group said. The SFO has additionally dramatically increasing the volume of income recovered as a outcome of the investigations. Almost 12 million of corporate fines were imposed as a outcome of prosecutions by the SFO, up from nothing the prior year, it said. A serve 5 million was picked up by equates to of polite settlements.

About 4 million was returned to victims of monetary crime, roughly 4 times some-more than in 2008-09, the SFO pronounced in a inform yesterday.

Richard Alderman, the SFOs director, pronounced that it was achieving some-more fit formula by improved make use of the powers. He said: It has been a great year. Next year we plan to do better.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Survey claims one in five worldwide hold in aliens

Aliens exist and they live in the surrounded by sheltered as humansat least, thats what twenty percent of people polled in a tellurian consult believe.

The Reuters Ipsos check of 23,000 adults in twenty-two countries showed that some-more than 40 percent of people from India and China hold that aliens travel in between us sheltered as humans, whilst those slightest expected to hold in this are from Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands (8 percent each).

However, the infancy of people polled, or 80 percent, dont hold aliens in the midst.

It would crop up that that theres a medium association in between the majority populated countries and those some-more expected to prove there might be aliens sheltered amongst them compared with those countries with the not as big populations, pronounced John Wright, Senior Vice President of marketplace investigate organisation Ipsos.

Maybe the the a elementary box that in a less populated nation you are some-more expected to know your subsequent doorway next door neighbour better, he said.

More men than women22 percent vs seventeen percentbelieve that visitor beings are on earth.

Most of those believers are underneath the age of 35, and opposite all income classes, the consult showed. Of those who do not believe, majority are women.

NY H2O plan could cost energy generators billions

Scott DiSavino NEW YORK Fri March 12, 2010 6:43pm EST Related News NY H2O plan could cost energy generators billionsFri, March twelve 2010 The 65 feet U.S. Coast Guard knife Wire breaks by image ice on the Hudson River nearby Kingston, New York Jan 11, 2010. REUTERS/Mike Segar

The 65 feet U.S. Coast Guard knife Wire breaks by image ice on the Hudson River nearby Kingston, New York Jan 11, 2010.

Credit: Reuters/Mike Segar

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York environmental regulators this week expelled a plan to strengthen nautical hold up in the state"s rivers that could cost energy generators billions to ascent their facilities.

U.S.&&&&Green Business

The plan, that still needs last approval, would affect majority of the state"s 6 chief energy plants and multiform comforts powered by hoary fuels that have make have use of of H2O for cooling. The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) wants the comforts to recycle and reuse the H2O in a closed-cycle cooling complement rather than discharging the exhilarated H2O in to rivers.

One of the initial plants to face the due regulations would be Entergy Corp"s 1,910-MW Indian Point, located about 45 miles north of New York City where it draws H2O from the Hudson River. Entergy has already asked the DEC for a new H2O assent and requested that the sovereign supervision replenish the assent for both of the reactors.

The DEC, that is usurpation criticism on the offer by May 9, pronounced it would need closed-cycle systems -- similar to cooling towers -- unless "an user can denote that closed-cycle cooling record cannot physically be implemented at a sold location."

In February, Entergy filed a inform with the DEC that found it would be improved to supplement new underwater screens to the plant"s existent cooling H2O money coming in complement rather than implement costly cooling towers.

The state however wants plants to have make have use of of closed-cycle systems, that recirculate the H2O instead of discharging it after one use. The DEC pronounced closed-cycle systems revoke the stroke on nautical hold up by some-more than 90 percent.

Like the alternative plants, Indian Point uses stream H2O to precipitate the steam used to spin the turbines and beget physical phenomenon prior to returning the somewhat exhilarated H2O behind to the river. The H2O used to have the steam stays in the plant.

Entergy pronounced cooling towers, that can mount some-more than 600 feet tall and magnitude 300 feet in diameter, could not come in use prior to 2029 at an estimated cost of $1.5 billion to $2 billion.

The underwater shade duration would take only 3 years to implement and cost about $100 million.

Hence Entergy pronounced the screens would improved strengthen fish eggs and larvae over the 20-year duration of a renewed Indian Point license, in large part, since they can be commissioned twelve to fifteen years earlier than cooling towers. Entergy has pronounced it hopes to get a breeze H2O assent from the DEC in Apr that enclosed capitulation for the screens.

Entergy is additionally watchful for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to confirm on 20-year extensions of the reactors" strange 40-year handling licenses, that end in 2013 and 2015.

Entergy filed to replenish both reactors" licenses in 2007. The NRC, that has done decisions on alternative renewals in twenty-two months but a hearing, has not pronounced when it will confirm on Indian Point.

Electricity traders remarkable quarrelsome applications with hearings, such as Indian Point, can draw towards on for years.

The DEC plan would additionally affect alternative energy plants in the state, together with U.S. Power Generating"s 1,290-megawatt Astoria, Mirant Corp"s 1,139-MW Bowline, National Grid"s 1,522-MW Northport, Oswego Harbor"s 1,700 MW Oswego, TransCanada"s 2,410-MW Ravenswood and Dynegy Inc"s 1,200-MW Roseton.

(Reporting by Scott DiSavino; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

U.S. Green Business

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Orange Prize longlist in full Books

Rosie Alison, The Very Thought of You

Eleanor Catton, The Rehearsal

Clare Clark, Savage Lands

Amanda Craig, Hearts and Minds

Roopa Farooki, The Way Things Look to Me

Rebecca Gowers, The Twisted Heart

M.J. Hyland, This is How

Sadie Jones, Small Wars

Barbara Kingsolver, The Lacuna

Laila Lalami, Secret Son

Andrea Levy, The Long Song

Attica Locke, Black Water Rising

Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall

Maria McCann, The Wilding

Nadifa Mohamed, Black Mamba Boy

Lorrie Moore, A Gate at the Stairs

Monique Roffey, The White Woman on the Green Bicycle

Amy Sackville, The Still Point

Kathryn Stockett, The Help

Sarah Waters, The Little Stranger

Friday, August 20, 2010

Key protein aids in DNA repair

In a paper published in the biography Nature, researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel HillLineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center have shown that a sold protein -- called Ku -- is quite skilful at healing shop-worn strands of DNA.

According to Dale Ramsden, PhD, join forces with highbrow in the dialect of biochemistry and biophysics and a part of the curriculum in genetics and molecular biology, Ku is a really sparkling protein since it employs a singular resource to correct a quite extreme form of DNA damage.

Damage to DNA in the form of a shop-worn chromosome, or stand in strand break, can be really formidable to correct -- it is not a purify mangle and areas along the strand might be shop-worn at the turn of the elemental construction blocks of DNA -- called nucleotides, he notes.

Broken chromosomes can be compared to a mangle in a strand of chronicle done up of multiform opposite threads or plies. Unless scissors are used to cut the yarn, the strand frays and might mangle or be shop-worn at multiform opposite places up and down the length of the yarn. These severe ends get unwashed -- creation them harder to repair.

It has been insincere in the past that stand in strand breaks are the majority formidable category of DNA repairs to correct and it is mostly reputed that they simply can not be remade accurately, says Ramsden.

The group found that the protein Ku, that has prolonged been appreciated for the capability to find chromosome breaks along a strand of DNA, essentially removes the mud at shop-worn chromosome ends, permitting for most some-more correct correct than believed possible.

This protein essentially heals at the nucleotide turn as well as the turn of the chromosome, says Ramsden, comparing the movement to washing and disinfecting a cut prior to perplexing to stitch it up to foster healing.

The group is carefree that the find of this resource for DNA correct might lead to a aim for diagnosis of age-related diseases caused by chromosome repairs in the future.

Other group members embody Steven Roberts, Natasha Strande, Martin Burkhalter, Christina Strom and Jody Havener from UNC and Paul Hasty from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Climate section criticized for stonewalling skeptics

Peter Griffiths LONDON Wed March 31, 2010 8:07am EDT Related News Climate section criticized for stonewalling skepticsTue, March thirty 2010

LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists at a heading British meridian investigate core had a enlightenment of self-denial inform from tellurian warming skeptics but did not on purpose try by artful means to get interpretation to await their case, lawmakers pronounced on Wednesday.

Green Business&&&&COP15

In the initial central inform in to the burglary of emails from the section last year, a British parliamentary cabinet pronounced the messages did not protest the mainstream systematic perspective that synthetic emissions have contributed to rising temperatures.

Thousands of emails exchanged in between scientists were published on the Internet days prior to universe leaders met in Copenhagen for meridian shift talks last December.

The supervision has concurred that the indirect row dented open certainty in the justification underpinning man"s purpose in raising tellurian temperatures.

Campaigners who disbelief the scholarship at the back of synthetic tellurian warming pronounced the messages showed researchers hid, farfetched or fiddled the interpretation to await the accord view.

Parliament"s Science and Technology Committee deserted that comment of the leaked emails from the University of East Anglia"s Climatic Research Unit (CRU), but neatly cursed the section for self-denial inform requested by outsiders underneath Britain"s leisure of inform laws.

"The enlightenment of non-disclosure at CRU and instances where inform might have been deleted to equivocate disclosure, quite to meridian shift skeptics, we felt was reprehensible," Committee Chairman Phil Willis told a headlines conference.

Professor Phil Jones, head of the unit, was privileged of dishonestly fiddling the interpretation to make firm his evidence.

"The systematic repute of Professor Jones and CRU stays intact," the inform said. "We have found no reason in this hapless part to plea the systematic consensus."

The cabinet found zero sinister in Jones" make use of of the difference "hide the decline" and "trick" in dual emails about heat changes that captivated the majority open attention.

"Hide the decline" was not an try to disguise interpretation but was systematic shorthand for dispatch erring data, the cabinet concluded. Similarly, Jones dictated "trick" to meant a tidy approach of doing evidence, rather than anything underhanded.

The university has set up dual apart inquiries in to the email event and British military are questioning the hacking.

(Editing by Noah Barkin)

Green Business COP15 Bit Defender

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Edward Steichen conform print vaunt hits Florida Movies

March 5, 2010, 12:03 PM EST

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -- More than 200 luminary and conform photos by one of the 20th century"s majority successful photographers are on perspective again in an vaunt right away on a universe tour.

"Edward Steichen: In High Fashion, the Conde Nast years, 1923-1937," is display at the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale by Apr 11.

It facilities images of actresses and models wearing fashion"s excellent clothing, most of them seeking true in to the camera underneath thespian lighting.

The photos are drawn from Steichen"s (STY-ken) years as arch photographer for "Vogue" and "Vanity Fair" magazines. The magazines were published by Conde Nast.

Many of the black-and-white strange selected prints are of celebrities of the day.



Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale: http://moaflnsu.org/


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Investing: $5 bonds with intensity to jump</title>

Are you watching price tags closely because of the tight economy? Then use the same budget tactic to consider a few stocks under $5.

You might think of these as cheap stocks, though they aren"t necessarily better values. That equation depends on how stock price compares to profit, sales or the value of company assets.

The real draw is that sub-$5 stocks have a better chance of becoming outsized winners. The ones I favor, at least, are smaller companies neglected by analysts and operating under most investors" radar screens. When the market catches on, a low-priced stock can soar.

Hunting for these promising stocks has worked for me before. So with help from some key analysts, I"ve developed my latest list of five stocks under $5 that could be set for takeoff. First, a little warning Let"s be aware, however, that you may need some patience.

The stocks listed in my Feb. 4, 2009, column, "5 promising stocks under $5," were up an average of 120% through Feb. 16, 2010, compared with a 37% gain for the small-cap Russell 2000 Index ($RUT). (Among those who helped me with today"s list are Rob Routh of Wedge Partners and Tom Winmill of Midas Fund (MIDSX), two of the investing stars who contributed to that winning 2009 column. Their picks have advanced 237% and 114%, respectively.)

But the stocks in my Nov. 2, 2009, column, "5 great stocks still under $5," are up just 5%, compared with a 10.6% gain for the Russell 2000. Most of these stocks did have healthy gains until the recent market pullback, so I"m not giving up on them. I consider them long-term plays that could take a year to pay off.

Two other warnings:

Do not buy the stocks below in any rally this column may create in the days after it is published. It can happen, but the prices will likely pull back, and you"ll have needlessly overpaid.

To help you avoid this mistake, I include strict buy limits for each stock. Don"t ignore these limits. In what will likely be a sideways stock market for a while, these stocks will almost certainly trade below the limits.

1. A gold-bug special: Great Basin Gold With worries about runaway inflation and government breakdown rampant, gold is a key piece of any survivalist"s strategy -- along with guns and a year"s supply of food and water.

But gold isn"t a fringe investment idea. Veteran analyst Winmill thinks gold could rise 20% by the end of the year to hit $1,400 an ounce, from about $1,110 today.

One chief reason: dollar weakness, which usually pushes gold prices higher. He also expects rising inflation as the U.S. struggles with debt, leading investors to bid up gold as a hedge.

Check how the dollar is faring today

Higher gold prices should boost the shares of mining companies rich in gold reserves that can be recovered cheaply. A favorite of Winmill"s is Great Basin Gold (GBG, news, msgs). It holds the rights to huge reserves in South Africa and Nevada, yet it trades around $1.65 a share, for a total capitalization, or value, of just $550 million. Great Basin has more than 6 million ounces of reserve that can be mined for around $320 an ounce. One reason it"s cheap is because its biggest gold holdings are in South Africa, which some investors fear will nationalize gold production. Another worry is that strikes or power price increases there could drive up costs. But even in a worst-case scenario, Great Basin is still a cheap producer, says Winmill, whose fund owns shares.

The stock is also a holding of Soros Fund Management. Wall Street analysts have a median price target of $3.10 per share.

Buy below $1.75. 2. "Hand grenades" against cancer: Genspera Even in this age of economic uncertainty, smart people are still developing new weapons against cancer, the second-most-common cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease. I sat down with one of those people recently: Craig Dionne, who headed up discovery research in biology at Cephalon (CEPH, news, msgs) for several years.

Dionne now leads a tiny biotech startup called Genspera (GNSZ, news, msgs), which is developing what he likes to call a "hand grenade" against cancer.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have figured out a way to put a chemical "pin" on a powerful anti-cancer drug called thapsigargin, extracted from a readily available weed.The pin deactivates the drug, allowing it to circulate in the body without causing damage to good cells.

Enzymes from tumors "pull the pin," activating the drug only near the tumors. The drug destroys blood vessels feeding tumors, with limited damage elsewhere in the body. Genspera, which bought this approach from the Johns Hopkins professors who developed it, thinks it could be effective against a range of cancers.

Why small-cap stocks can surge

The drug also causes cancer cells to flood with calcium, killing them. This approach is crucial against slow-dividing cells such as those in prostate-cancer tumors. Many chemotherapies take out cancer cells only when those cells divide; Genspera"s compound doesn"t wait.

Genspera is a risky investment, of course, as is any biotech startup. Its "hand grenade" approach looks effective in animals but may not work in humans. And it is still in early "phase one" testing, which checks for safety. However, I"m betting Dionne"s two-decades-plus experience in drug development offsets these risks.

Buy below $2.30 a share.

A home-shopping turnaround